Friday, March 14, 2014

Final Blog/Update 5

I finished and the projects is rendering so the file will be posted when it is done. I had a lot of issues early on in my project once I started working on the boots. They turned out looking fine however I spent at least a week working on them because a few faces got moved to the wrong place. They also had a ton of edges that weren't supposed to be there and they caused a lot of the issues including the material assignment one where every time I would open the project about half my colors would change. The other problem would come when I tried to change or add a new color in which the boots would change into the color of the dress and the dress became the color of the skin. The project in turned out exactly how I wanted it in the end except maybe the headpiece which looks more like poorly made hair because I wasn't able to edit it well enough to get the exact shape I wanted. Making the skeleton had a few minor issues but I was able to get it done without anything big happening, however a few parts were made different than the tutorials from Lynda. The animation went well also, and I had almost zero issues other than the tail bending and fusing with everything else because I bound it as skin instead of making it its own object, but I was able to fix it. I think the project went well because I met all of my due dates, and the only thing I was late on was posting a picture of the background because I only had time to make the post during class and didn't get to take the picture of the test render.

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