Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Personality Type

It is all mostly true however even if I try to be flexible I am not a lot of the time unless I am with people I don't know as well. I am rather quiet and contained when I am around people I don't know and don't share feelings with anyone unless I am extremely close to someone. Famous INTPs include Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, John Locke, James Madison, and Rene Descartes.

 I think the type was rather spot on for the most part, and was only really wrong about one thing. I think it is spot on with being skeptical, critical, and analytical. It was also right about Being interested in ideas and being rather abstract. It was really only wrong about being a being flexible and afaptable because I try to be however I don't really like it.

The personality type does give me a somewhat better understanding of who I am. It also make it rather obvious to me as to why I enjoy doing the things that I do and explains my interests. It also explains why I have such a cool exterior, which I very much have.

It clarifies my position on teams and in a group. I don't like being in the center or the "star" on a team. I would rather play a supporting role and do a small and less noticeable part. When the role matches up with my personality type it usually means that I can do a better job and finish it easily. When I am in a role that conflicts with it I don't do a very good job and it usually takes a while.

People in the past have thought I was a mean or cold person due to me being quite around them. Others have thought me to be rather annoying because they have only seen me around the few people I am actually really comfortable with. My sister and mother are both people I don't really get along with due to conflicting personality types and the unwillingness to accept each others.

I haven't really learned much other than how other people can view me and I view them. I already knew most of the stuff but I just hadn't really read it.